1_Kaltura Video Tips - Preparation
<p>Learn how to prepare for creating your own video content. We cover preparing your script, how to position your camera, and even what or what not to wear.</p> <p><b>Transcript</b></p> <p>Hi, I'm Rebecca. Welcome to Kaltura's video tips. Where we show you some easy ways to make better videos. In this session, we're going to focus on how to prepare for your video.</p> <p>Preparation is a key element to making professional looking videos and it all happens before you ever pick up your camera. Your first step, figure out what your video is gonna be about. Easiest way to look great on camera is to know what you're going to say. If you have a lot of points to cover or you're not very comfortable ad libbing, it might be a good idea to write out a script. This could be as simple as a list of key points you wanna make or as complicated as writing everything word for word. If you're going to sync to a presentation, you want to figure out what you want to say for each slide. Or if you're planning to do a screen capture or demonstration, you'll plan on each step you want to show. Then practice it. Make sure you feel comfortable. That the steps flow naturally in the order you have them. And that everything looks and sounds the way you want it to before you have the pressure of the camera.</p> <p>Next, <a href="https://corp.kaltura.com/products/features/Video-Upload-and-Ingestion">decide what format you want to shoot the video in</a>. Are you going to use your webcam? A phone, a screen recording? What equipment you have will of course play a role. But when you've got multiple options, you should pick your equipment based on what your video is trying to achieve. If you're making a tutorial, you may just want to use a screen recording and audio. Possibly, with a little bit from your webcam at the beginning and the end, if you wanna edit in an intro. Webcams can also be just a tiny bit easier to get files from. Since the file will already be on your computer. But if the video is going to be mostly showing people, you'll want to use a camera. The camera in your phone is just fine. Today's phones have awesome cameras. Just use a tripod to aim, they're cheap and easy to find. Why is your phone better than a web cam? Well, for one thing, the video quality is better. It will look better on its own and if you wanna do a little editing afterward. You'll have been quality file to work with.</p> <p>Finally, pick what you're going to wear, I know, I know it sounds really shallow, right? But what you wear in the video can make a surprising difference. For one thing, you want to avoid really busy patterns or tiny prints, they just don't film well. They're distracting and on some cameras can even look almost like they're vibrating. Stick to bigger patterns or solids.</p> <p>Avoid jewelry that makes noise. Jangling bracelets for example, will make it harder to hear you clearly.</p> <p>Glasses can sometimes cause problems, if a light reflects off of them wrong, no one can see your eyes. It's okay to have a little reflection, but you don't want it to be like this.</p> <p>The best idea is just take a short test video and see if you like the way you look on screen. Don't get through your entire presentation perfectly and then realize afterward that your clothes are getting more attention than your talk.</p> <p>That's it. Now, you're ready to film your video. Good luck.</p>