Internationalising our classrooms: practical ideas
<div><b>Internationalising our classrooms: practical ideas to further enrich multicultural group learning experiences and their assessment.</b><br></div><div><b> </b><div><b> </b><div><b> </b><p>Two short presentations followed by discussion, facilitated by Dr Connie Healy, Vice Dean for Teaching & Learning, College of Business, Public Policy and Law. </p> <ul> <li><span><b>Exploring international students’ experiences of learning and assessment in Shannon College: undergraduate and postgraduate level</b> Dr María Palma-Fahey, Lecturer Spanish/Intercultural Communication for Business, and Loraine Kavanagh, Lecturer in English and Intercultural Communication, Shannon College, University of Galway.</span></li> <li><span><b>Examples of facilitated dialogue teaching and learning activities in the ENLIVE programme and our assessment practices</b> Laüra Hoskins, Head of Espace Langues, University of Bordeaux</span></li> </ul> <div> <p><br></p></div></div></div></div>