Basic Search with Limits (1:54)

<div><div><p><b>Transcript:</b> FVTC Library Services video tutorials. Let's talk about Basic search. When you go to our website, you can put a term into our main search box and click search. The result list will show up.</p> <p><b>Notice that full text is the default.</b> You may want to look for <b>peer-reviewed scholarly journals</b>. In that case, you would click peer-review on the left-hand side. And then you would probably want to <b>narrow it down to the last five years.</b></p> <p>You can continue narrowing down your topics by going into the search [Open Show More]. When you <b>filter by subject</b>, you can select more than one tag. When you select tags, you will see those appear in your current refined results list.</p> <p>You can remove a tag and you can also go back down to the Subject list and add it back in again.</p> <p>Although we had narrowed down to 2 thousand items, that's still an awful lot of articles to think about. You can continue adding subject tags to try to narrow things down. Or you can go to an advanced search.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p></div></div>